Mausloeum of Galla Placidia
The Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, built in 425 A.D., with its unique early Christian mosaics, is one of the eight amazing UNESCO World Heritage sites in the city of Ravenna.
Mosaic teaching has a long tradition.
In 1897, the first Superintendency of Italy was established in Ravenna, thanks to Corrado Ricci, who became Director General of Antiquities and Fine Arts. From the project to protect the late–Antique Byzantine mosaic heritage arose the need for highly qualified technical and artistic professional profiles. Thus, in 1924, the first mosaic course was established at the Academy of Fine Arts. In the 1950s, thanks to the international success of the Exhibition of Copies of Ancient Mosaics (Paris, 1951) and the Exhibition of Modern Mosaics (1959), the Mosaic Art Institute was founded.
Each year, among hammers, glass-glazes and cutters, guided by the greatest mosaic masters and artists, some of the protagonists of the Ravenna and international art scene are trained.
In the 1950s, interest in mosaic grew, thanks to the relations between Gino Severini, the Futurist painter and sculptor, Antonio Rocchi and the Gruppo Mosaicisti of Ravenna.
On 1 August 1959, the Mosaic Art Institute was inaugurated. It is the only school in Europe that, even today, trains mosaicists who are masters of ancient techniques, restoration, copies from antiquity and contemporary techniques. It is dedicated to Gino Severini, and since 2010 has been part of the Liceo Artistico Nervi-Severini.
Precious, and unique in the world, is its collection of the cartoons of the ancient mosaics of Ravenna.
The Academy of Fine Arts in Ravenna is today a first-class training centre and a breeding ground for international artists. The course of study is divided between a first level, with courses in Mosaic Visual Arts or New Art Technologies, and a second level in Mosaic Decoration. The Academy has strong roots. It was established in 1829. In 1924, on the initiative of Giovanni Guerrini, an eclectic engraver and painter adherent to Art & Crafts, the first course dedicated to mosaic was started. The teaching was entrusted to Giuseppe Zampiga (1860 – 1934), a mosaicist and restorer from Ravenna. Today, as then, artists are being trained to take the mosaic language to new horizons.
The International Association of Contemporary Mosaicists was founded in Ravenna in 1980, at the behest of Professor Isotta Fiorentini (1925-2016), the historical soul of the Association, and Peter Fisher (1922-2000), a journalist and art critic who, in those years, assiduously frequented Renato and Carlo Signorini’s workshop in Ravenna. One of the most important events was in 1987, when the AIMC created the Parco della Pace in Ravenna. Since its inception, the AIMC has always been active in congresses, exhibitions and publications with the mission to promote contemporary mosaic throughout the world.
It is the Association of Former Students and Teachers of the Art Schools of Ravenna. Their aim is to protect and pass on the values and knowledge of those who attended, or worked, at the Art Schools of the Province of Ravenna: Gino Severini Mosaic Art Institute, Pier Luigi Nervi Artistic High School, Fine Arts Academy of Ravenna, Gaetano Ballardini Ceramic Art Institute, Albe Steiner Professional School Ravenna.
The Association promotes and organises: research activities and the protection of cultural heritage, conferences, debates, conventions, exhibitions, performances, visits to museums and places of artistic interest, art exhibitions, shows, concerts, publications, trips, courses, artistic consultancy, guidance tutoring and any other activity with the aim of disseminating the cultural heritage and the dissemination of the history of local Art Schools.
It is a no-profit association founded in 2013 by a group of students with a passion for mosaics.Its aim is to spread the love and culture of mosaic understood both as an ancient and contemporary technique. Most of the Musivari trained at the University for Adults in Lugo, together with Prof. Elisa Simoni, teacher and president of the association.
It is the only association in Italy that proposes mosaic not only as a technique, an art, but also as a healing tool through the search for beauty. A useful expressive medium for the elderly, disabled, sick and children, which creates strong human bonds. The Compagnia dei Musivari organises courses, didactic workshops for children or frail persons; it participates in exhibitions and fairs with the display of its mosaics.
The cultural association Il Cerbero, whose president is the mosaicist Silvana Costa, has been realising cultural projects focused on mosaics since 1997. It organises art exhibitions, some of great importance, such as the exhibition on Guttuso ‘La passione della forma’, at Palazzo Giustiniano in Rome. Very popular are the mosaic courses in Cervia, for residents and tourists. One of his latest projects is Mosaico in tour: a real travelling ‘mosaic bus’, with workshop, teachers and artists that travels from Pinarella di Cervia, along the coast, including the entire province of Ravenna to the Lidi of Ferrara. Their aim is to teach one of the most important artistic traditions of Ravenna, also in the form of play, .
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