Mausloeum of Galla Placidia
The Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, built in 425 A.D., with its unique early Christian mosaics, is one of the eight amazing UNESCO World Heritage sites in the city of Ravenna.
On Friday 31 January 2025 at 17.00 at the Seminario Arcivescovile in Piazza
Duomo 4, in Ravenna, will take place the presentation of the book La Carta di Madaba by
Basema Hamarneh (Edizioni del Girasole).
In addition to the author, Monsignor Lorenzo Ghizzoni, Archbishop of Ravenna and
Cervia, Fabio Sbaraglia, Deputy Mayor of Ravenna and Councillor for Culture and Mosaic, Maria
Grazia Marini, Manager of the Tourism Service of the Municipality of Ravenna.
La carta di Madaba is an extraordinary floor mosaic located in the Church of St.
George in Madaba, Jordan. It is a map of the various places in the Bible and bears
countless place names covering the lands of Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt and
Libya. This mosaic treasure is coeval with the existing wall mosaic cycles in Ravenna in the churches
of San Vitale and Sant’Apollinare in Classe. Particularly striking is the comparison between the
city of Jerusalem in the floor mosaic of San Giorgio and in the wall mosaic of
San Vitale.
The volume bears a preface by Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi and is sponsored by the
Municipality of Ravenna and the Ministry of Tourism.
Free entrance.
Friday 31 January 2025
Free entrance.
5 pm
Seminario Arcivescovile, Piazza Duomo n.4, 48121 Ravenna.
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