Mausloeum of Galla Placidia
The Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, built in 425 A.D., with its unique early Christian mosaics, is one of the eight amazing UNESCO World Heritage sites in the city of Ravenna.
At Annafietta’s, the brightness of mosaic enriches objects, furnishing elements and design. She is part of the Racconti Ravennati group, born from the meeting of six mosaicists members of CNA Ravenna who, in collaboration with the Linea Rosa Anti-Violence Centre, created the Fiori di Ravenna-Città Amica delle Donne project and the Our Skin collective monument.
Annafietta workshop has deep roots. It was originally a famous antiques store of Mr and Mrs Fietta, Anna Finelli’s grandparents, who inherited the business and transformed it into today’s mosaic workshop in 1998. Annafietta’s creative mission is to combine the splendour of Byzantine mosaic with objects and furnishing accessories. The hallmark is the use of smalti and glass tesserae, mirrored glass and Tiffany glass – cut by hand one by one, juxtaposed next to each other leaving the interstice empty. In this way, light is captured and reflected, creating fascinating plays of light. Toponomastic plaques installed in the streets of the city centre and all the medals of the Ravenna Marathon editions are made by Annaffietta. In the workshop you can admire, buy or commission mosaic objects of the most varied shapes and sizes –from mirrors to designer vases, from frames to small decorative elements.
Via Giuliano Argentario, 21, 48121 Ravenna RA
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