Mausloeum of Galla Placidia
The Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, built in 425 A.D., with its unique early Christian mosaics, is one of the eight amazing UNESCO World Heritage sites in the city of Ravenna.
Born in Ravenna in 1963, he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Ravenna with a specialization in Sculpture. His name is linked to the historic Gruppo Mosaicisti of Ravenna, his place of origin, which initiated him into mosaics at the age of eighteen and of which he has been the sole designer and the executive director since 2008.
Alongside his constant concentration on preserving and enhancing the great inheritance he received, his personal research for new modes of expression has never stopped, leading him on an autonomous and exclusive language. Are the works of his artistic maturity that bear the mark of the passage of time, experiences, studies and a balanced wisdom that finds its ideal metaphor in mosaic art. The attempt to bring together life and death, nature and industry, abstraction and figuration through a language in constant evolution shows us his complete willingness to give himself over to art to the point of sublimation. Just as for Boetti, in whose art revolution and restoration, tension towards the future and a return to the past can proceed together, so too for the artist Santi the contemporary mosaic language becomes a constant relapse into the vortex of ancient Byzantine art, however, performing an operation of enlargement that, starting from historical knowledge and its identity, connects it to today. Intense and sensual chromatic vibrations made of gold and sharped tesserae emerge sinuously from backgrounds of imperturbable black, rising to the attainment of an almost divine dimension.
Via Benedetto Fiandrini, 8, 48121 Ravenna RA
+39 0544 34799
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