Dettaglio del Giardino del Labirinto.
Dettaglio del Giardino del Labirinto.
Public art

Giardino del Labirinto-Dante Eco Green


It is a floor mosaic created for the garden in front of the Ravenna Prison: it consists of 169 triangular-shaped modules decorated with mosaic and it is the first permanent participated artwork in the city. It was designed by the Dis-ORDINE Association and was inaugurated on the occasion of the Biennale di Mosaico Contemporaneo in 2019. The work is inspired by the labyrinth inside the basilica di San Vitale, in the floor in front of the steps leading to the apse, decorated with triangular marble inlays. The poetic trace of the project is Dante Eco Green- The Elements of Nature in Dante’s Work, towards the conceptual direction of ‘E quindi uscimmo a vedere le stelle’, the last verse of the XXXIV canto of the Inferno. In the name of the spirit of aggregation and sociality, at the artwork participated and contributed: schools, all the artists, mosaicists and professionals trained in the Art Schools of Ravenna and Province, together with the guests of the Prison.


Via Port’Aurea, 57, 48121 Ravenna RA

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