Mausloeum of Galla Placidia
The Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, built in 425 A.D., with its unique early Christian mosaics, is one of the eight amazing UNESCO World Heritage sites in the city of Ravenna.
The workshop deals with the restoration and production of artistic mosaics and filati micro-mosaics.
Mosaic courses can be attended for individuals, Italians and foreigners.
Situated in the heart of the city centre and in front of the city’s art museum, Annalisa Marcucci’s Mosaic Workshop seems to engage an intimate dialogue with Mimmo Paladino’s horse. It is by the owner’s will a real workshop, created to design and execute works in full autonomy, without forgetting the customer’s need and seeking the perfect synthesis between request and artistic value. It also has excellent experience in the field of filato micro-mosaic jewellery: in this case it offers an infinite range of shades, since it is spun on site. In addition to providing information, individual and small group courses are held to deepen knowledge in the field of mosaics. Virna Valli, who met Annalisa at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ravenna, found hospitality in the workshop. Their collabboration is based and consolidated on a harmony of views in artistic research, on the pleasure in the exchange of ideas, not always aligned, but always honest. Virna and Annalisa design and execute their personal works here, each independently, with which they participate in competitions and art exhibitions. The workshop can be visited by appointment (Written by V. Valli).
Via di Roma, 40A, 48121 Ravenna RA
+39 349 422 34 33
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